Wednesday, February 21, 2007


When we were away last week, I had a number of disappointments regarding soup. When on holiday, we eat our main meal at home in the evening, but we may have a snack when out during the day and I often choose the soup as something light for a change from sandwiches etc. All three soups I tried last week were too thick, too peppery and overwhelmed by one ingredient sad.gif
The trouble is, I like my own cooking too much. It's a wonderful treat to go to a restaurant for a meal, don't misunderstand me, but I try to choose something from the menu that I don't cook myself so I have nothing to compare it with. I'm not a cordon bleu cook by any standard, just adequate, but wholesome, and nearly always cook 'from scratch' with real ingredients.

We often have soup for lunch - today I made broccoli and Stilton (well, Danish Blue, anyway!) with the calabrese from the Organic veg box that arrived yesterday (I have supposedly given up cheese for Lent - and my health - but I don't count that!). It's the first time I've tried it, and was relatively pleased:
soften one chopped onion in a little oil
add a shredded leek and a peeled, diced potato, cover and cook slowly to soften
add some stock and broccoli (don't use the stalks), bring to the boil and simmer for 15-20 mins
take off the heat and blend
stir in some crumbled Stilton and a little cream to taste

(if reheating, do not allow to boil)
We also have an excess of mushrooms (careless shopping, forgot what I already had) so I might make some cream of mushroom later in the week:
soften two or three finely chopped onions in some oil
add finely chopped mushrooms and stock
bring to the boil and simmer for 15 - 20 mins

in the meanwhile, make 1/2 pint white sauce (I cheat and use cornflour, but you could do it properly and make a roux with flour and butter), when the mushrooms etc are cooked, blend in the pan and add the white sauce. Season to taste.

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