Sift together 6oz SR flour, a pinch of cayenne and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Stir in a peeled, grated potato, some cubed feta cheese, some chopped herbs and 3 or 4 chopped spring onions.
Beat together an egg and a teaspoon of whole grain mustard. Add to the mixture and mix to make a firm dough (you may well need to add one or two tablespoons of milk).
Shape with floured hands and place on a greased baking tray. Bake at gas 5 for 35-40 mins. Allow to cool for a short while before serving, delicious with butter and served with soup.
You can vary the recipe by using goats cheese and thyme, feta and rosemary ... any combination really
If you should have any left over (rarely, in this house!) it toasts well, too.